
Shaxi Ancient Town, China-20160501

Last week I went to Shaxi Ancient Town for vacation, it was nice to have a break and relax out of busy work.
After 21 hours by transferring 8 transportations, I arrived Shaxi, where is my favorite place in Yunnan, the only surviving ancient bazaar in the Ancient Tea and Horse Road.
Life there is so relaxing and is totally different from big city. Really enjoy.
Let’s date back to Chinese Ancient Time :)

Yan@Shaxi Ancient Town

1 条评论:

  1. Because of the traffic inconvenience, Shaxi is unknown to many people for long time. Until the 21st century, Shaxi was found by a foreign expert and recorded as the world’s 101st architectural heritage in 2001 by UNESCO, with the well-preserved building group in caravan period.
